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Issue 165

Cover Story

All the world is here


Food bloggers are raving about Leith Walk’s newest addition writes Cara South…

From sure fire winner to flailing fiasco


Kennedy Wilson on the good, the bad and the ugly of Hollywoodland

The Samaritan & The Fire Bellied Toad


Attention, taken to its highest degree, is the same thing as prayer. It presupposes faith and love

Newhaven, Ferry Port


Long before the modern tourism industry came up with the concept of somewhere being a “destination” Newhaven was just that, writes Dougie Ratcliffe

Tracy Griffen

Twenty years and still going strong


I did venture down to Downing Street on the back of Federation of Small Business stuff I was doing, but it didn’t feel ‘authentic’

Graham Ross

There is something intangible in the rarefied air of the Sir Walter Scott bar”


“Elaine, what’re you having?” Elaine replied in a tone way beyond excitement, “Porridge and prosecco!!”

Graven Images: Photography, Monuments,
& Memory


Editor: I met Joseph Wilson in South Leith Parish taking industrial sized images of the word memory…

Sandy Campbell

This means that the young adults of today were exposed to the first significant advance of the robots - the smart phone – launched in 2012


Robots are now managing our memories, our choices, our relationships, counting our steps, and telling us who is at the front door when we’re on holiday

The ghost ships of Leith


A few hours after the jesting, Moyatos stabbed the two men who principally carried out the jest

A face in the crowd


Lawrence Lettice celebrates the career of the quite extraordinary actor Gene Hackman

The Nature of Art: Gormley, Beuys & Demarco


Demarco has long found wild places more important than galleries and art schools as locations of artistic endeavour

Nostalgia ain’t what it used to be


We were adamant that we might have stolen thousands of pretend cars over the years, but it never did us any harm

Tim Bell

Travels with the Apothecary Jar


The bottle made the short journey with the congregation, unseen for forty years, until a few months ago

Reframing The Universe


Right now, I feel like I have two heads says Colin Montgomery, some might say both are a sniper’s dream

The Seafaring Spirit Festival…


Get creative, make your own model boat, fantastic fish, Newhaven Lighthouse, or even a seagull puppet

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