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Coming soon: Issue 144


Updated: Feb 19, 2022

Welcome to the latest clamjamfrie from the wonderful world of Leith(er).

As Storm Dudley tries its damnedest to decant half of the Constitution Street Tramworks into our garden, I thought I’d take time out to update you on the latest Leither (144); while the weather finishes its shenanigans.

Our cover story from Sandy Campbell highlights the Ukraine stand off from a historical perspective, including the improbable visit of Tsar Nicholas II of Russia in 1896.

Ever wondered, asks Charlotte Neary, who’s on that boat which hooks litter from The Water of Leith? Why that would be the very wonderful Water of Leith volunteers. Apparently balls of all shapes and sizes, are their biggest catch

The Leith Glutton goes above and beyond, by reviewing four (yes four) of Edinburgh’s most vaunted restaurants; Noto, Eleanore, Aizle and The Little Chartroom. Bravely and stoically living up to his Leither nom de plume.

Gordon Munro asks Scottish Water if they could supply details of sewage spillages into Wardie Bay and the Leith part of the Water of Leith, improbably corralling that Fergal Sharkey from The Undertones to the cause.

Protempore, Deidre Brock and Colin Montgomery, give Boris a beasting - never, ever a bad thing. Plenty of other articles, a short story and our fiendishly difficult cryptic crossword can be found between the covers…

And me? Why Hangover Cures in the 90s of course!

All good things,




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